After an introduction (or, rather as part of the introduction) of the new Todcast format, we talked a bit about good versus bad ghost tours. An...

Synopsis: (BLOG) The thing about customs, is, they're not just arbitrary rules, they are things that have worked the best for the people who have...

Listen Here Synopsis: In this week's Tourist Trap segment, we discuss the impossibility of having an "authentic locals experience." The problem is, the "authentic locals experience"...

LISTEN HERE Synopsis: In this week's Todcast we learn the secret behind Tony's fashion choices, how to shoplift a movie and the best winter jobs for...

One of my favorite remnants from philosophy 101 is that a person can't knowingly do something they believe to be wrong. The short version of...

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN Synopsis: In this week's episode, we mostly talk about how bitter I am that the newspaper business is run by cowards. But...

Several weeks ago, I was in a New Jersey bar with Keith, Bobby and Michael. My best friend and two of my brothers, respectively. The...

Todcast Ep 127  Synopsis: With help from special guest Rich Liebig, of The Crispy Noodle podcast, in this week's Todcast we discard the phrase "Girly Drink"...

The Todcast has always been a kind of an experiment between the written and spoken word. Each week, Tony writes a long blog to coincide...

THIS WEEKS TODCAST I am not a "one up" guy during conversations, although to listen to me you wouldn't know it. I have a billion stories...

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