Happy Hour Todcast Episode 128


Synopsis: In this week’s episode, we mostly talk about how bitter I am that the newspaper business is run by cowards. But there’s other, more interesting stuff going on as well.

Regret the Error:

In last week’s episode, in discussing metro drinks, I made it sound as if metro drinks are merely a matter of taste. They are not. Consider the following analogy: As chain restaurants rose to dominance, people stopped expecting good food from restaurants. As a result, the mid-priced non-chain family restaurant is all but dead. I worry about a future wherein I cannot find a good mid-priced whiskey because all whiskey is either incredibly shitty mixer whiskey or fantastically priced quality whiskey. If we reach that point, I reserve the right to punch anyone I see holding a metro drink.

You have been warned. 

Todd’s Two Cents:

In a bid to improve his writing, Todd picked up a copy of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style. He was confused about what he really needed to know about style and what was already out of date. (For example: in that last sentence Strunk and White would have preferred, “what already was out of date” I think.)

The Internet has made many of the rules a little wobbly, but, we decided, “More Easier” is still unacceptable.

Seven Days of Todd Man Out:

Monday: Deck Party and Todcast Live!

Tuesday: Summer White Party, Sobos

Wednesday: Game night at Burley

Thursday: Lighthouse Sound WOCM Listener Appreciation Party, Full Circle,

Friday: Bon and Bentley at Burley

Saturday: Party Zone.

Sunday: Burley Oak Party. (Tickets are still available for $10 at Burley).

State of the Beer:

In this week’ State of the Beer, Bryan announced Burley will be brewing a Berliner Weiße which, like Champagne, can only be called such if it is brewer in Berlin. This is not a problem for him.

The beer is a traditional German beer that is brewers and quickly soured. It is so sour, in fact, that it is served with a side of fruit syrup to cut the edge. We can’t wait to give it a try.