After an introduction (or, rather as part of the introduction) of the new Todcast format, we talked a bit about good versus bad ghost tours. An...

Traditionally the Todcast has been all about Berlin. Mostly this had to do with the fact that I worked there and my co-host, Todd DeHart...

Synopsis: (BLOG) The thing about customs, is, they're not just arbitrary rules, they are things that have worked the best for the people who have...

In Tourist Trash Versus 'Real' Experiences blogger Ben Groundwater tried to deal with the notion of authenticity in tourism. For the most part, he is concerned...

Listen Here Synopsis: In this week's Tourist Trap segment, we discuss the impossibility of having an "authentic locals experience." The problem is, the "authentic locals experience"...

LISTEN HERE Synopsis: In this week's Todcast we learn the secret behind Tony's fashion choices, how to shoplift a movie and the best winter jobs for...

Please excuse our mess, we're reimagining the Todcast to better serve you. In this week's show, we say goodbye to pointlessly angry Tony. Next week, with...

One of my favorite remnants from philosophy 101 is that a person can't knowingly do something they believe to be wrong. The short version of...

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN Synopsis: In this week's episode, we mostly talk about how bitter I am that the newspaper business is run by cowards. But...

Several weeks ago, I was in a New Jersey bar with Keith, Bobby and Michael. My best friend and two of my brothers, respectively. The...

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