30 Day Challenge of Being Present with Yoga | Yogavibez
<<~GRATITUDE~>> Is how I need to begin this post. I had taken a couple yoga classes here and there over the years but nothing consistent. Until April 2019, when I was in a bad place emotionally, mentally and physically. I was having horrible anxiety and some weird physical ailments that after visits to the doctors was told nothing was wrong. I told myself at that point it could have been physical manifestations of the anxiety I felt. Besides seeing a doctor, getting treated with acupuncture and chiropractic care (both of which I still do and firmly believe in) I decided to give yoga another try. Started with 2 days a week, and moving to 3 days and even some times 4 days! Going consistently really brought me to a centered place where I was no longer feeling the physical ailments, and also found stillness which has always been a struggle for me. I loved it! I needed it!
After going regularly for over 6 months, the studio I go to presented a challenge. 30 days of yoga in 45 days, to remain present during the holiday season, to keep a balance in our lives during what can be a very stressful time of year. I have NEVER taken a challenge, but thought this was fitting. I really didn’t know if I would be able to complete it, but I went into it with an open mind and thought hey why not go every day I can. 31 days later, I have done 30 classes in that many days, and I have to say it has made the biggest difference in my life! Not only am I in the best shape of my life, feeling stronger than ever, I also have the tools to find that stillness and balance when I need it, because of all I have learned from the amazing teachers at Yogavibez.
Now that I have completed this challenge, I will continue to go every day that I am able, as it brings me peace, happiness and the stillness my mind and body need to be a productive and loving human being every day. Yoga may not be for everyone but follow the path your mind and body lead you down, for it will bring you to a place of peace. Be present every day, enjoy the little things and continue to be the best human you can.