Let Me Get Something Off My Chest
We will jump right into this first segment. The segment is
simple, you just talk about whatever is on your mind lately! Sometimes Claudia wants to discuss the
Oscars, sometimes Kate discusses her dating life (or lack thereof), nothing is off-limits!
Solicited Advice
Claudia believes that ever since finding out about her Breast Cancer diagnosis she has a nearly
supernatural power of advice giving, she can’t stop telling people what they should do! The way Kate
describes it, ‘She’s dying so she ain’t lyin!’ Each week we call someone to ask them to ask us for advice.
The questions are usually about relationships, either romantic or familial.
Cancer corner
Let’s get one thing straight, this is NOT an educational podcast. In this segment, Claudia shares her
personal experiences with Breast Cancer and the lessons she’s learned along the way.