Valentine’s Day is almost here! Forget Godiva and Hershey’s! Make your own chocolate from scratch and dip your own fruit for your honey bunny! I’ve made my own recipe for raw chocolate and dipped different fruits in the chocolate and then topped them with unsweetened coconut, crushed pistachios and hazelnuts, and sliced almonds. Feel free to change-up what you’ve got lying around for fruit and your dipping extras. I really wanted to still have my mangoes sitting on the counter, they would have been perfect with chocolate! Everything in this recipe is raw!! You just need a little prep time and some time in the freezer and you’re guaranteed to make your Valentine’s Day a little sweeter! 😉 Here’s to sweethearts and sweet holidays! (Without all the guilt!)
1 cup coconut oil
1 cup raw cacao powder
1/4 cup raw honey
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Pinch Himalayan sea salt
Pinch Cayenne pepper
Fruit and Extras for Dipping:
- 1 green apple
- 1 banana
- 10-12 ripe strawberries
- 1/2 pineapple
- 1/4 cup crushed hazelnuts
- 1/4 cup crushed pistachios
- handful sliced almonds
- 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
Add 2 cups of water to a sauce pot and bring to a boil. Place glass bowl on top of pot, add coconut oil. Allow oil to melt from the heat passing through the bowl. Add cacao, honey, cinnamon, and cayenne. Whisk well. You should have a chocolate sauce. Keep stirring for about a minute so it thickens. Dip fruit in chocolate and immediately roll or sprinkle nuts and coconut on top. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet or in plastic container. Lay fruit on parchment paper. Place in freezer for an hour or more to allow the chocolate to harden. Remove from freezer and serve!!
I did…
- strawberries plain and with hazelnuts
- bananas with almonds
- pineapple with pistachios
- apples with coconut