Spinners: A Short Film | Directed by Erik Barnes and Written by Cami Delavigne
Many thanks to all of the well wishes that I’ve received publicly and privately for my new venture. But I realize what really makes me even more excited is when I am able to witness other people succeeding and moving forward in dreams of their own. It does not seem to be a coincidence that just this weekend my grade school best friend forwarded me his Kickstarter campaign. A true talent, Erik Barnes has been working in the commercial film industry and editing work since getting his degree. He will be using the powerful crowdsourcing tool to get funding for one of his dreams, creating a dramatic short. Check out his video for what looks to be a very interesting story told by what I know to be a great storyteller. If you wish to donate to the campaign, great! If not that’s fine too, but maybe consider passing it along to other like-minded creative soul’s and appreciative people that may be interested in seeing a project like this get funded. It has already been selected as one of Kickstarters staff favorites. So hurry up to be part of it.