New Year, New Beginning!

Well its official! Today starts a new year and usually a new beginning. With the New Year, you get a clean slate, a do-over, a fresh, blank piece of paper to start over. We use the new year as a jumping off point. A time to start over, re-evaluate, to look forward, plan, organize, and refocus on everything from our health and what we eat, to goals and dreams, to finances and future investments.

I love the new year! It’s the perfect time to put yourself first. Most of us tend to put everyone else first especially after the exhausting holidays. Now we can nurture ourselves, make resolutions and hope to achieve and stick to most of them. So starting today, my challenge to you is to really take sometime for yourself and find what you really want for yourself, your family, your future, and your new beginning. Write them down somewhere you can see them on a daily basis. Make yourself accountable for what you truly want from your life. It’s harder to ignore them when they’re in your face everyday. It can be as simple as reading more or as tough as losing 50 pounds and staying healthy. Resolutions, goals, and dreams aren’t meant to be easy or we’d achieve them everyday but if you really want something go for it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this day forward. Just remember to make it fun and don’t rush to the biggest goal to start. Have some small ones that you know you can achieve and work your way up.

I use a vision board. I put everything on it that I love, moves me, or motivates me. I put pictures, words, quotes, inspirational pieces, ideas, and thoughts on mine. I even have things that will probably never happen in my life time-but it’s good to dream big also, it makes us work harder. It pushes me a little more especially when I’m frustrated and on the verge of moving on to other things. And it sits right in front of my writing space everyday, all day so I can’t escape it. So, if you’re looking for something new this year to try. Grab a cork board and put everything on it that speaks to you! I wish you the best of luck, all the love, health, and prosperity for this upcoming 2013 year. I hope it brings you everything you’re hoping to find!

Kelly Roberts is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Pilates Instructor. Visit her page for more information and upcoming events around the area or find more posts like this one on her blog.