We all do things in college that we may look back on and question. In today’s social media driven society the questions are often raised immediately because of the prevalence of portable recording devices that connect directly to the interwebs. But some times things are best left to marinate. in this case for years burried in the video camera of an old friend, only to be discovered not before the world is ready to witness it in all its glory.
It is timely that this video from 20 years ago come back to me on the same day that Katie Middleton topless photos are leaked. My hope is that this video will divert unwanted attention from her tiny tatas to what is really important – don’t take yourself too seriously.
The back story is that I was asked to participate in a dance recital of a Towson State University Sorority Girl. I have Mad Skills and they where put to the test in this very Fly video. I’ve always claimed that I may ,at times, have stiff hips but I make up for it with acrobatics. And here lies the video-graphic proof of that statement. Also keep in mind I’ve always been more of a freestyler than a choreographed kinda guy.
Here is my audition tape for Magic Mike 2