Well now I know that Lower Case Blues can jam out with the best of them. On Thursday B.J. Muntz (bass/vocals), Paul Weik (drums), and Jake Banaszak (lead guitar) put on another terrific show full of some seriously funky blues. Each member is very talented and the band communicates very well together. After chatting with a local or two at High Stakes last evening I found out some interesting information about this young but no doubt musically mature band.
Most of their unique blues style is original and never played the same way twice. Each musician’s ability to use improvisation on their instruments makes for a impressive show. B.J.’s deep, rough, and strong voice bodes well with his smooth bass guitar. Its rare to find a bassist that is able to solo so well along with keeping a creative and diverse melody. As for Banaszak…the man just simply shreds face to put it in the cheesiest and most awesome way possible. The combination of the three of them working together to create some classic sounding stuff is really a crowd pleaser. So much in fact that they were the only band in Delaware this year to play at Firefly Music Festival.
I would suggest going to check them out whenever you have some time to spare. Browse their website at lowercaseblues.net to find where they’re playing next. If its at High Stakes grab a cheesesteak or some of those ridiculous looking nacho’s I saw coming out of the kitchen, they looked and smelled delicious. Drink specials were great too and I just couldn’t pass up a $2 Coors Light draft. Hope to see you all next time I’m out on the town livin’ the Good Clean Fun Life.