I got shot by Trevor Dunt! So this is not normally my thing but I have the desctinct pleasure of being asked by Tervor Dunt – (Curator of Thirtyninthst.net) to have my picture taken. I was excited and a little out of my element being that I’m normally behind the camera, fluffing on a model shoot, and always talking (making it hard to stop and pose).
However, seeing Trevor’s work and the great portraits he captures – raw and mostly in Black and White, and with an editorial quallity that makes you feel life you are on an interview shoot for Rolling Stone of Vanity Fair, it seemed like an opportunity not to be missed. I nervously await the final product from post production where I asked that Trevor use the “remove the stupid” feature in Photoshop.
Afterwards we headed over to the brewery for some pints and to talk it over on the Todcast (more on that tomorrow) in the meantime it is worth while to check out Trevor’s Artist Spotlight below and his web site to see more of his great work…
Artist Spotlight
From the beginning it was never something I wanted to be boot-strapped to. I had a lot of things I wanted to accomplish artistically, but I felt it needed a name rather than the typical idea of putting my name first.
It is a machine of representation, a catalyst of appreciation for the area that it serves. It is a small library of documented lives and people.
One thing ThirtyNinthSt has never been about is me, it has always been about everyone else.
If it was, then I would have called it Trevor Dunt photography and slapped my face on it and sold it that way.
But I didn’t. I gave it a name and an open-ended mission. This way I would not be held down by legalistic and able to pursue artistic projects of any sort under the name ThirtyNinthSt
ThirtyNinthSt is a company dedicated to the representation, progression, and documentation of the Delaware-Maryland counterculture.
Over years ThirtyNinthSt has grown from a small photography project of mine into a company that strives to set an example of the attitude and character of the region and to be a catalyst of pride in our scene. ThirtyNinthSt is pursuing the idea of being a company that is not exclusive to any type or group of people. It is for everyone.
We are skaters, we are surfers, we are musicians, artists, writers, punks, hipsters, indie, nerds, pricks, rockers, metal
We are poor, we are rich, popular, hated, loved, positive, negative, we live life, we dream life.
We are you.
Prove Your Self.