Loving This Local Challenge – "Chaotic Drop In the Bucket"
So it has now been over a full week since we began the local challenge. There have been trial and tribulations for sure, my panic at needing to find local meat, along with the mid-day cravings at work for junk food included. For the most part I have remained healthy, but today I hit Wockenfuss in West Ocean City. Now technically they make their chocolates in Baltimore, so it is still a regional business and is definitely delicious. It fulfilled the need for chocolate, and also purchased from a locally owned business versus going to Wawa or Walmart to get my chocolate fix.
My quest for meat was a struggle. I started worrying, which those who know me understand my habits, that I would not be able to find something to feed my family. Of course as soon as I hit the Farmers Market I realized there was no reason to worry. Arlington Natural Meats was able to supply me with pork chops and italian sausage, which was used this weekend to make my most favorite pasta dish ever. As for breakfast, I havent baked anything since the peach muffins, but I plan on coming up with something soon. Last night for dinner, I used the local potatoes that I bought and made an incredible gratin, using cheese from Chesapeake Bay Farms, added a little kick but everyone loved it. To go with that I fried up the green tomatoes that Christie from The Good Farm dropped off on Saturday. Don’t get more local than that!
Heard the best quote last night, from the documentary Ingredients
“Don’t buy garlic from thousands of miles away, shipped in containers wedged in between sex toys and flip flops.”
Why buy garlic, or any produce for that matter, from so far away? How much flavor is lost on its long journey, or what are the conditions for the growing and raising? Think about the fuel used to ship the produce. This is the best season for local produce, give something new a try!