Reunion OF Friends at the Beginning of the 2021 SEASON this Tasty Tuesday
In the last year, it has been trying for the general public. We are very thankful for our clients who were able to make it through and stick with us during 2020. But one of the hardest parts is not seeing the friends you want to connect with the most. As most people were feeling isolated during the beginning of the pandemic last spring, we were able to connect with some Starboard friends via Zoom. Every Saturday we had a #HappyHour zoom with a couple friends we met while working with The Starboard, and it was honestly one of the best virtual connections I ever thought could happen. Once summer arrived and things opened up just bit… we were able to see each other in person on occasion.
Now that life is open and we can reconnect fully of course we had to do so at The Starboard. We are here pretty much at least once a week as they are a big client but also the home of some amazing friends. This Tasty Tuesday was an easy one for our Tasty Tuesday because not only did we connect with friends, but we enjoyed some great lunch and of course som crushes!