Oh the wintertime slump. That time of year when you can legitimately plead insanity and be pardoned for just about anything you do. In college, my friends and I coined the term ‘wintertime slump’ to account for the poor dating choices one would inevitably make during the months of January and February (and sometimes bleeding into March depending on the weather outlook). We’ve all been there: dating (and I use that term loosely) someone who we are completely incompatible with for the sake of staving off boredom and those long, cold lonely nights. Then, spring magically arrives (sunshine, is that you??) and you wake up from your cold-induced delirium, realize summer is on it’s way, and finally decide to put a nail in the coffin of your wintertime triste. It’s all as terrible and shallow as it sounds, so go ahead and pass judgement (pause for judgement)….
But now that I am in my 30s and hopefully a better person than I was at 19 (although that’s admittedly still up for debate) I like to think of the ‘wintertime slump’ as that time of year when you can still legitimately plead insanity and be pardoned for just about anything you do due to the fact that you are so sun-deprived, devoid of real warmth, and immersed in hibernation that you lose sight of the active, social person you were in the height of summer.
“Go see a band that starts at 10pm!?! Are your crazy? It got dark at 5pm, I had dinner at 5:30pm, and then fell asleep watching Parks & Rec reruns at 7:45pm.”
Yep, that sounds about right, but it doesn’t have to be that way. While a good night on the couch is amazing on just about every level and should never be discarded from your list of options for a solid Friday night, a good night out in January or February is NOT out of the picture. Don those cute boots, scarves, and hats that you were sooooo excited to buy back in October when you were being a basic bitch, round up the troops, and commit yourself to having some good, clean fun:
Happy Hour at Starboard Raw
Shameless self promotion here folks, but if you’re looking for a jolt of life in the depths of winter, than the espresso martini at Starboard Raw is the way to go. Beyond the fact it’s picture perfect (for those of you who can’t have a meal or a drink without documenting on social media) it’s also downright delicious and without a doubt the cure for what’s ailing you in the month of February.

Pasadena at The Alibi Room
Live Music at The Alibi Room
When you’re down and out, go listen to live music. It’s as simple as that. Music has the power to uplift the most aggrieved soul and get the booty shaking on even the most rhythmically-challenged. There may be a lack of live music around these parts (and open bars for that matter) in the wintertime, but thanks to The Alibi Room in downtown Ocean City, we can still get our fix.

Milburn Landing on the Pocomoke River
Chase the Sun on a Local Hike
It’s not always about booze and nocturnal outings, in fact, the best cure for the wintertime blues is going hard on some Vitamin D. The days may be shorter but we’re not living in Alaska. There is plenty of sunshine hours in the day to get outside and soak it all in while discovering the abundance of natural beauty on Delmarva. Take a hike…literally. A simple Google search reveals any number of parks and hiking trails across Maryland and Delaware. Assateague Island, Pocomoke River State Park, Trap Pond State Park, and the Junction & Breakwater Trail are a few favorites to get you started. And don’t forget to bring your canine companions, they’re suffering from the wintertime slump too!
Date Your Friends…Anywhere, Anytime
We preach the ‘date your friends’ concept a lot here at GCFL. Put down your phones, get off social media, and have a real, face-to-face conversation with a friend over coffee, tea, lunch, drinks, or outdoors on a hike. It’s incredibly refreshing to connect with real people in real time. Try it.
Host a Dinner Party
One of the best things about winter is the food, more specifically comfort food at a time of year when the words ‘bikini body’ are but a distant memory. As much fun as it is to go out to eat with friends, there’s something much more intimate and relaxing about gathering at home with friends to enjoy a home cooked meal. Bonus: you’re rowdy crew can’t embarrass you publicly at a dinner party in your own home. Tip: Stock up on goodies from local purveyors. Think cheese and meats from Gilbert’s Provisions, veggies from Chesterfield Heirlooms, beer from Burley Oak, and dessert from Baked.
Alright, enough adventurous, social planning for one day. Back to the couch for more Parks & Rec…