‘Sunday Funday’ has become one of those terms that we have a love/hate relationship with, with the ‘hate’ end of the spectrum fueled primarily by jealousy when we are not participating in a heralded Sunday Funday. Of course, like the rest of the free world, we love when we get to dive headfirst into a Sunday Funday, whether it’s a day on the boat visiting our favorite bayside watering holes, an afternoon of live music at a local pool bar, or a bike crawl through town with friends. The options are seemingly endless and are only hampered by the knowledge that Monday morning will come far too quickly. Nonetheless, we revel in a good, clean, fun Sunday outing just as much as the next guy so when the option for a Sunday Funday to Dewey aboard a party bus (outfitted with a stripper pole) came our way, we quickly found 20 of our closest friends to tag along for the adventure.
We’ve aptly title this one, “Poppin’ Bottles at The Starboard: Part Deux.” For those of you who need a refresher, we took the trek to Dewey last summer for Poppin’ Bottles: Part 1, cramming into a rented van and crossing the state line with zero expectations of where the day would lead us. What resulted was a mashup of dancing, eating, singing, car bombs, more dancing, more car bombs, and of course…the now famous poppin’ of bottles. Todd had the genius idea to attach a Go Pro to a bottle of champagne, which he then poured not only into our all-to-eager mouths, but into the mouths of several much-too-eager bar patrons. The footage was amazing to say the least. It quickly became clear that round two would be a necessity.
This year, we decided to raise the bar with the addition of a party bus from Atlantic Transportation. Ballers? You bet! The bus-meets-limo-meets-Las Vegas penthouse suite is outfitted to the nines, easily accommodating our party of 20 with plenty of room to spare. The [stripper] pole and sound system provided the perfect setting for a dance party of course. Because, what’s a Sunday Funday without a dance party?
We pulled up to The Starboard like the celebrity superstars that our alter egos purported us to be, jumping (yes jumping) off the bus to a crowd of onlookers wondering who the hell takes a party bus in the middle of the day on a Sunday (we do, duh). It wasn’t long before bottles were poppin’, and as predicted, our fellow bar-goers were all too eager to be showered with champagne. The footage speaks for itself…
What’s not to love about a Sunday Funday at The Starboard? Between the epic make-your-own Bloody Mary bar, the serious eats, the uber-friendly staff, and the live entertainment, it’s a one-stop-shop for Sunday shenanigans. Of course this year’s adventures also included a collective car bomb moment, which may or may not have yielded a few more rounds. When OC does Dewey, we don’t mess around.
Back on the bus, the dance party continued with an added boost of 90s dancefloor classics – there’s just something about Bell Biv Devoe’s ‘Poison’ that gets a group of uncoordinated 30 and 40 somethings dancing like a gaggle of go-go dancers on a Saturday night. A better ride from Delaware to Maryland has never been had.
Choosing high points of the day is paramount to choosing your favorite Paul Rudd movie, which is to say it is impossible. But in an effort to keep up with the Jones’s and add a listicle to the mix, here are our Top Five Must Have Items for an OC Does Dewey Trip:
- An unbeatable playlist: Music makes the world go round in our opinion, so the day would have been dead in the water had it not been for a kickass playlist. No road trip or Sunday Funday is complete without one.
- Snacks: Because no one wants to face the hangry (yes, hangry) monster that dwells deep within us all. Lives have been lost in the battle to curb raging hanger. Fortunately for us, food was abundant and notably delicious at The Starboard so the always-regrettable foray through the McDonald’s Dollar Menu was thankfully avoided.
- Good friends: Sunday Funday is at a complete loss without FUN friends. Drama queens, cry babies, roid ragers, disgruntled couples, and anxiety riddled control freaks are best left for Monday evening happy hours.
- Cameras and Go Pros: We try to advocate living in the moment and leaving phones at home as often as possible, but for Sunday Funday outings like this one, it simply must be documented. Plus reliving the outtakes is a great excuse for a followup gathering.
- Atlantic Transportation: Ok, so you’re probably thinking a limo bus is a bit excessive for a Sunday Funday trip from OC to Dewey. Well, so is attaching a Go Pro to a bottle of champagne and letting Todd loose in a crowd of unsuspecting citizens. The point is, don’t knock it til you try it.