Already the middle of August, and boy how time has flown. This summer has been full of new experiences, excitement and the growth of our own business. So thankful for the support and opportunities that we have been given. Only problem, besides photos, I have not contributed any original content this summer. I usually write something personal and post here but I have been so busy I have not had the chance to. It is unfortunate that something tragic has spurred me to write, but I feel this is an opportunity for reflection and realization.
Robin Williams reportedly took his own life after battling a bout of severe depression, the low side of his bi polar disorder. Mental illness is prevalent in our society yet there seems to still be a stigma attached. We all feel depressed at times, I have definitely had my moments. Almost a year ago when I lost my job suddenly I felt lost and definitely went through a depression. I came out the other side with support from my partner in life, but not everyone can pull themselves out of it, either alone or even with the help of others. There are so many different symptoms of depression, from the stereotypical to the subtle so that the person experiencing them doesn’t even realize that they could be suffering silently. We need to shine the light on mental illness and raise awareness for support and research just as we do for cancer and heart disease. We need to start an open and ongoing conversation about what can be done to help those that suffer, whether it be short term or long term, and be there for support. Robin Williams will be greatly missed, a talent gone too soon just as many before him have. How odd that my column here where I write openly about subjects that strike me, is titled Zelda’s Rant, as that was a nickname of mine. His daughter is actually named Zelda, as Robin Williams was also an avid gamer.
For me, the first thing that came to mind was wanting to watch Dead Poets Society, a movie that meant a lot to me when I was younger, always just struck a chord inside me. But now after hearing that Robin Williams took his own life, it hurts that much more. His character was such an inspiration.
Social media has been a flutter since the news broke, with some heart wrenching memorials. I am sure there will be many more to come as he touched many with his talent as an actor, comedian, and human being.
Remember that if you are hurting and questioning how you are feeling and why, there are always those you can reach out to. Turn to friends, to family or to anyone you may feel comfortable speaking to.
Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.