We attended the Winter Gala in Dewey Beach, which is put on to raise funds for the Police and Beach patrol that keep a watchful eye on the safest town in Delaware. I was struck by the size and scope of the event with a ton of people that came out top support. I even discuss what seems to be the two worlds of people, DE beach goers and MD beach goers.
Speaking of Maryland beach goers and a great number came out for a weekend at Fager’s. Starting with a Singer songwriter night on Friday for Valentines and the aphrodisiac -centered Oyster Garden event on Saturday. Both events very well attended and a great success especially that it was the first ever Oyster garden. Fager’s Continues to build on the popularity of their Music, food, and Craft Beer Events. Stay tuned for the video recap that we did for the Fager’s website and Photos Here
Tony talks about the pitfalls of nostalgia but offers that Valentines is a good time for an honest review of your relationship.
We don’t talk much on this show about Middle school drama but it came up this week after valentines we talk about love and sex ed and The Six P’s controversy (Paranoid Parents Pissed Pertaining Play-doh Penises) which is really not.
Exciting news announced about a partnership with WMDT the ABC Affiliate out of Salisbury and Good Clean Fun as we will be curating their list of special events all over Delmarva. We are excited to be working with the new Station owners who really seem to understand the value of content both on line and broadcast. Keep an eye out for WMDT new website scheduled to roll out in next month and the GCFL list of events.
This weekend If you are not checking out the always good 3rdfriday event in Salisbury, join us as we head over the bridge for the yearly music festival/conference that started as Pirate Robs Birthday Bash and as this year grown into the Frozen Harbor Music Festival consisting of several stages and countless local area musicians.
For more check out our calendar and let us know if you have a special event that you would like us to know about.