When Natalee and I started Good Clean Fun there was a lot of bad things going on in the world. Bad things in our world, the economic world, and the world in general. We decided that we where going to do what we can to bring a positive light to the world. We called it adventuring. Adventuring to us was to go out locally and meet new people, and document the fun that was around us in the midst of some unpleasantness.
I was reminded of that and recognized it in a friend, who is one of those people that we have come to know thru our adventuring. I read a post from Elizabeth Sykes from the spring. It was a great write up about her own adventuring. I have found myself once again inspired to face an uncertain world to find the good and adventure.
Elizabeth writes in her Post on The Vagabond Records
“I’ve spent the past few years of my life putting myself in situations that may not always be comfortable but have helped me grow as a person. All of these situations have forced me to be feel secure in my own skin. Anyone can do it, and I deeply encourage it, it’s just taking that initial step, or in my case, dive. As ironic as it may sound, getting lost will indeed help you find yourself. It’s funny, nowadays being uncomfortable is actually what really makes me feel comfortable. I’ve spent a many of days and nights, meditating, writing, digging into bottled up emotions, letting go of things I can never change, transforming my life, attitude, mind, spirit and heart into the woman I am today. It wasn’t easy, but then again, life isn’t always easy. “
Make sure you check her blog out, and make sure you keep adventure and fun in your life.