Thanksgiving Message From Tales From the Chair

Thanksgiving is upon us and I can’t think of a better thing to write about then the glory of what truly is, Thanksgiving. Usually I have just seen on tv the struggles of those affected by natural disaster, but the last month I have seen firsthand with my own eyes what it can do. Hurricane Sandy took a huge toll on our Delmarva community. The efforts of everyone to help restore our ‘neighbors displacement’ was amazing and truly heartwarming to see. Never would I doubt what a great giving community we live in, but seeing it in action firsthand left me at times speechless. Yes I know that doesn’t happen often ๐Ÿ™‚

Well for one thing, Thanksgiving offers just what it is. It offers giving thanks, and sometimes the simplest act of looking up at the glorious sunset and giving thanks for this life on Earth is all one needs to calm and lift oneโ€™s spirit. It seems simple enough to do every day, but somehow it manages to escape us. I have been reading everyones ’22 days of Thanks’ and would like to share mine. In a Julie Andrews Sound of Music style, I remind myself of my favorite things and give thanks to the following:

The Lord. D. My girls. My mother. My father. My grandmother. My family. My amazing girlfriends. My friends. My future in-laws. Our community. Hugs & kisses. Emotions to truly feel deep within my soul. My job. The house over my head and the shoes on my feet. The ability to see, hear, touch, feel, speak. Coffee :). The ability to never judge and see everything with an open mind. Laughter. Joy…..I am thankful for this day โ€“ this day I have been given.

I would like to offer a little advice as we approach the holiday season, and trust me I tell myself this too! Slow down. Enjoy each moment, each day, because they are only going faster and faster and honestly your whole world can be changed in a matter of minutes or hours, as we all saw a few weeks ago with Sandy. Appreciate and be grateful for what you do have. You say, ‘If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.’ You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.

Lastly, I wish everyone the happiest and most joyful Thanksgiving! We truly are blessed!

Colby xoxo