By Tony Russo
As we’ve mentioned here before one of Todd DeHart’s many side gigs is as D.J. for the Party Zone, Saturday nights on Ocean 98. We’ve also mentioned (I believe) that occasionally I will tune in and live tweet his shows from @slmlivetweet. This week the cameras at Seacrets were down so Todd broadcast himself over his laptop and it worked out beautifully.
The reason that that is even mildly relevant is because we claimed we were inventing the future, breaking the metaphorical radio fourth wall and we’ve elected to apply this to the Todcast. This week represented out first run and since you missed it (everyone missed it, it was a secret; don’t feel bad) let me tell you that it worked out well enough that we’re going to make it a regular feature on the Todcast. Tune into GCFL.TV around 6 p.m. on Tuesdays, if you can’t make it down to Burley Oak for the live Todcast, and you can participate.
By participate I mean literally chime in via all the fun social media stuff you are totally into. You can comment correct and inform.
My arm is beginning to hurt from all the back patting, but just real quick: we’re the only ones doing this. Live local entertainment and news commentary and even the occasional spoiler if it’s available and appropriate.
I feel as if it’s inappropriate to commit on a potential urban legend to print so here’s the disclaimer: This Could Very Possibly Be An Urban Legend
We discussed how a colleague of mine attempted and failed to eat a tablespoon of cinnamon. I have never heard that this is considered impossible and remain skeptical. If you want to know who the colleague is or find out how to see the attempt on YouTube, you’re gonna have to tune in for details. This is a colleague I’m kinda scared of so I’ll leave it at that.