The long cold winter in Ocean City has started out to be pretty mild. It is the end of the year, where people are always taking stock in what has happened over the last year. Remembering the losses, reminiscing the gains and making big plans for the future. Good Clean Fun is no different but we can dwell too much on the past or worry too much about the future because ther is good clean fun to be had right now. I guess we are the present minded folks who just like to record life as it happens through our GCFL filter and provide a little levity. The event going on right now is the benefit of Charles Jeff Keenan at Ish Boutuique and Events. If you dont know his story it goes like this – Nice guy , got sick, needs money. I don’t know him personally but have met him once or twice and being that he is part of the Fagers family of bartenders, and well known and respected in the greater Ocean City family, he is someone I stand up to support no matter what.
To reflect just for a moment — it seems like every year we as a town lose someone either to illness of the body, or illness of the mind. Lets be careful to be aware of people who are not only in need in the open, but those who may be fighting demons in the dark. Ocean City is a party, a celebration, lets do what we often do and make sure everyone has something to celebrate in 2012.
sorry to go deep on you there, must have gotten a hold of some bad eggnog over the holiday – cheers and beers!