Local Focus: Holiday Shopping

Back in the summer we participated in the Buy Local Challenge, and in discussions since we thought it would be great to try and buy as much local as possible for holiday gifts and giving. The idea of shopping at our local galleries, boutiques and antique stores sounds much more enjoyable than heading to the mindless mall. Every time I think I need to get to a mall, I walk around aimlessly feeling that there is really nothing I need or want. Perusing small shops looking at quality items sounds almost relaxing in comparison.

The one gift I struggle with is for our 7 year old son, he LOVES Legos. Now where can I purchase Legos locally? May need to think outside the box for his gift…we will see. I think I will begin at the Children’s Book Garden in West Ocean City. Nellie will be a breeze to shop for as her favorite places are in our quaint town of Berlin. I look forward to getting started, but I don’t begin shopping until after Thanksgiving…so stay tuned!