So I have been trying to stay very positive, as over the years of living on the shore have proven that all of the hype about hurricanes usually diminish the close the get. But it is not looking so for this storm…Hurricane Irene is charging up the coast and looks like Delmarva may get a direct hit. Ocean City is already evacuating student workers to a Red Cross shelter in Baltimore, next will be the non residents of the town and then if it looks to be dire, all but emergency personnel will be evacuated. We live in Berlin, not on the water, not even close to a body of water, but our street often floods. In the 8 years in this home we have never seen the water get close to the house, just the cul-de-sac fills up like a lake. In this storm, we have not one house to protect, but two. The new house, which is really the “old” house, has weathered 6 hurricanes all with winds over 80 mph since the home was built. My concern is more about the old trees that surround the home. Keep your fingers crossed that we don’t get too much damage to our area with Irene.
For my planning, I am stocking up on flashlights, candles, batteries, water and food…and keeping the family close. Every be safe, make good decisions and take precaution.