by Tony Russo
Staff Infection
This week Happy Hour comes to you from Baked Dessert Cafe and Gallery in
Berlin, where, for a change, I wasn’t the one doing all the cursing.
Several months ago we pulled a podcast down because it contained too
much of my Jersey “accent” and ever since I’ve been careful to watch my
mouth so much as I’m able. The same cannot be said for Robin Tomaselli,
one of our guests and partner in the cafe along with her sister Shelly
The thing about swearing is, many will say, that if it is done without
malice it is a little bit less offensive than if it comes from a place
of anger and frustration. That is why the foul language she used
probably gets a pass. Robin has an almost speech-impediment difficulty
pronouncing the name of one of the major New England states which means
that, try as she might, she is unable to say it without making it sound a
little, well, blue.
But setting the risque language aside, this week’s show was educational
for a change. As you will notice from the multiple stories in the paper
this week, the Berlin Peach Festival is this weekend and it is a pretty
big deal. The podcast isn’t much different, as we discuss the parallel
histories of the cafe and the festival, both of which have grown more
than anyone could have possible expected over the last two years.
Without revealing too many secrets, Shelly discusses the process by
which she and Robin developed the recipe for the Berlin Peach Dumpling,
the official town dessert created specifically in recognition of the
Peach Festival’s importance.
Todd DeHart who runs and co-hosts the podcast
said he now has an even more personal stake in the Peach Festival as
this week he is likely to become neighbors with it. He and his wife are
completing the process of purchasing a house across the street and
expect to celebrate their closing with bellinis.
For those you who, like me, are ignorant of the drink, it is a cocktail
made with one part peach puree and five parts champagne. This will be
welcome information if you aren’t interested in grabbing the Festina
Peche available at the Globe Sunday.
But as Todd pointed out, you can’t get to Sunday without getting through
Friday and for once it is likely that both of us will be in the same
place Friday evening — the 2nd Friday Art Stroll here in Berlin. Many if
not most of the shops and galleries have either openings or
demonstrations (See this week’s Bayside Gazette) and it will certainly
be a blast.
Of course, Little Chico, who got all the ink he really needs last week
will open at Baked Dessert Cafe and Gallery in the shadow Patrick Henry.
Todd also observed that Henry purchased some of the artist’s work. That
is the kind of intra-recognition that can only help the local artists
in the area.
The Happy Hour podcast comes out Thursday afternoon and is available by
subscribing on iTunes. Just type GCFL into the search bar at the iTunes
store to subscribe. It’s free, fun and only requires a half-hour
listening investment. Fair warning before you listen: Put on your irony
hats, kids. It’s all in good clean fun.