Artist Spotlight on markospaghetti – Ocean City MD Photographer
One of my favorites of Mark’s Dew Tour photos… |
Mark Huey, aka markospaghetti, is a graphic designer and photographer, living in Ocean City, MD currently working for the Bayside Gazette. He has captured some amazing images, using a variety of subject matter, from the personal to the editorial. He recently captured amazing footage of the Dew Tour, both structures and athletes, while they were in town.
Find him on Twitter: markospaghetti
Artist Spotlight
“We all live under the same sky, but we don’t see the same light,” read the red words neatly type on the paper within one of my favorite fortune cookies.
I don’t see the same light.
Born and raised in the ‘suburbs’ of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania (yes, the groundhog…..) I learned at a young age to use my imagination and, with the influence of artistic family members, how to harness that creativity. I took my creativity to the viewfinder. Some 30, 000 photographs later and the acquisition of my first dSLR in December, I’m still learning. Learning to how to see the world in new ways. Learning how to better capture movement, color, pattern, emotion, and time. Learning how to recognize the beautiful and the ugly.
Sometime’s it involves traveling alone, out of a backpack for 10 days, lying facedown on a filthy sidewalk, sprinting to the coast for a 5:45 a.m. sunrise, enduring 120 degree heat indices, or enduring windburn because you failed to remember gloves.
I want to see the world in a different light. That’s what makes my photography and adventure.