Good Clean Fun Gets Gnarly – Dew Tour Madness in Ocean City MD
Another amazing couple days at the Dew Tour with one more day of events to go. Friday was a day full of Semi-Finals, BMX Park and Skate Vert. Saturday some fun family photos and shots of Vert Skate practice.
One event we were unable to attend, but looked like it may have been an incredible surf event for our town. Check out the photos and results from the Nike 6.0 Expression Session here.
Ocean City MD loves having all these incredible action sports athletes in town, and am sure that many of you have seen them hanging out on the beach, boardwalk and at some of the towns finest watering holes. After Fridays Dew Tour fun, we headed to a favorite spot of ours for good art in West OC to Matt Dove’s Punk Rock Fish Studio for a Maryland themed art show with art by James Delzel, Ron Wharton & Marc Emond. Matt was also a gracious host to many of the Dew Tour athletes, treating them to a traditional Maryland crab feast, nothing better then that! Andy MacDonald even posted a couple photos of the event.
After the art show, many partygoers moved up the road to the Get Gnarlycompound for a mini-ramp party, including the Bones team. Skaters of all ages were partaking in the mini-ramp session and it was quite the spectacle. Showing that Ocean City can hold their own with the skate scene, considering we are the home to the oldest municipal skate park, the Ocean Bowl. Thanks Tron for the hospitality! Some quick video footage from the festivities, skating by local Dew Tour participant Joey Boulanger. Great job Joey in the bowl competition!