The steeped history of the Eastern Shore runs deep on many fronts including the skate park on 3rd street which is the oldest, longest operating municipal skate park in the country. Ocean City is the center of the east coast and next week will be the center of the world wide skateboarding community. As the Dew Tour descends on our beach town bringing the top competitors from all over the world in their chosen passion and lifestyle sport of skate, BMX, surfing or MotoX.
This next week will be the highest concentration of non-local tattooed, alt sport enthusiasts, as well as spectators from all over the east coast and we should welcome them with open arms. Keep in mind that it is about this time of year that some locals and summer locals feel the yearning for September(but it was just the Fourth!) Lets face it, college kids have made money to pay for their summer house, and are starting to give away shifts to enjoy more beach time or boozin. Also, it can be tough when suddenly you realize that you haven’t spoken to other local friends in a month that you normally would a couple times a week, and all you do see are the tourists crowding the streets and looking everywhere except where they should be. So I remind everyone to take it one day at a time and enjoy the ride. I always keep in mind that some people work all year to get to this place for a little R and R only once a year. Many of the people here next week will really be enjoying their rides on the ramps and obstacles of the Dew Tour. And to the guests coming to enjoy Ocean City and Berlin next week and in the coming weeks simply watch where you are going and we will all be happy.