This week the crew sits down with Bryan Brushmiller of Burley Oak, and Christie McDowell of The Good Farm. Bryan is of course the owner/brewer at Burley Oak Brewery and Christie is our local organic farmer. The big announcement for us over here at Good Clean Fun Life is this August, we are taking the Local Food Challenge. For the entire month of August the DeHarts of Berlin, MD (and GCFL) will source their kitchen locally. Natalee has started planning and Bryan has the beer sector covered. We have farmers and brewers all trying to remind people to think about where you buy goods from.
Bryan is a supporter with using locally grown hops and barley for his beer and wants to encourage everyone to think about going as local as possible as well. On Saturday come out to the Burley Oak Brewery on Old Ocean City in Berlin to begin planning for the Local Challenge by purchasing local heirloom plants from the Good Farm. What better way to support local by growing your own heirloom vegetables. In addition to all the important messages you also get to learn about Tony’s secret passion to be a carney, what more could you want at happy hour!?