Wednesday: Donald Trump proves that his ass-hattery knows no bounds when he “demands” that The Prez produce his birth certificate. Because, you know, as a Muslim terrorist and all, he likely misplaced his forged paperwork. A man who makes people like Omarosa into reality ‘celebrities’ and wears synthetic marsh grass on his head was questioning the dignity of the leader of the free world. Only in America.Thursday: The best talent from the local music scene filled Moorley Hall at Seacrets for the Electric Company’s CD release party. The place was filled with good vibes and local awesomeness. It was in stark contrast to the uncreased-hat-wearing, creeper crowds who flock there in the summer season. Their go-to pickup line is “So where are you from?” That is if they have a line at all. Sometimes they just appear from behind and assault unsuspecting chicks with a pelvis grind. Anyway, if you haven’t been fortunate enough to hear The Electric Company, Chester River Runoff, or the uber talented Jenn Grinels, I highly recommend picking up all three CD’s.
Sunday: The biggest p.o.s. to walk the Earth since Hitler was shot and killed by U.S. Navy SEAL team 6. Patriotic celebrations broke out across the world. For a brief minute or two the country was united in happiness. Then the partisan monster reared it’s ugly head and people were back to arguing. Team Give Obama Credit vs. Team No It Was the Armed Forces It Wasn’t Obama arguments broke out online. We Should Never Celebrate a Persons Death Group started out-moraling Group Fuck That Guy I’m Happy He’s Dead. Can’t we all just get along for heavens sake? You people are ridiculous.
Monday: The first Deck Party of 2011 was held at Fagers Island. Always a good turnout and good time, locals came out to enjoy the evening. Fagers has plenty of good local brews on tap, and the Mexican buffet was fantastic. Other opening parties are indicators of the upcoming tourist season, but Fagers is the one that truly feels like the local kick-off to summer. Todd and I even had a conversation involving vajazzling over a couple of Evo’s. We were doing our part to keep OC weird.
Wow that was an exhausting week. I can’t wait to see what the rest of May has in store for the shore and the rest of the world. Next up, Cinco de Mayo….