While we complain about bad whether and shopping crowds ( it took me 1/2 hour to get out of the mall parking lot) and trying to see every one this holiday season. Keep in mind there are some people out there that wont be able to be with any of their family.

And some of them are super hot. This photo is of the Swedish soldier Frida from the Swedish camp in Mazar Al Sharif. The picture is taken by the photographer Magnus Wennman. Real Deal stuff…
I came across this on a great site thebrigade.com which appears to be mindless entertainment for military folk. I fully support that these men and women need a site like this from time to time. I know we have military people check in to our site on a regular basis from overseas – So this post is for you……. hope you have a good holiday, and thanks for all you do. I’ve always said I have great respect for military cause they do what I don’t think I could do. However Frida may make me give it SHOT. The Swedes are good guys right?!? I certainly wouldn’t mind being the pale guy in his skivvies in the background.