For the people that say there is no culture on the Eastern Shore. I say you need to look no further than one beloved family. They have made some of the best art and music in the area. The Roligs have more “culture” in their left pinky than any other family in the entire region. Unfortunately with all that culture is a side of cancer. Bill Rolig has Prostate Cancer, what he also has in an incredible network of friends and family that came out to support him and his family on Saturday at the Globe in Berlin, MD. It was an amazing event with art music and food, Money was raised through the purchase of wristbands emblazoned with “Sex, Drugs, Rock n roll”. I was honored to get mine from the man Bill himself. Great music from the Mood Swingers and Friends including the sultry, soulful voice of Lauren Glick who tantalized the dinner crowd. Friends took in the dream-scape Paintings of Deb Rolig and the warm embrace of Bills Landscapes. Then the “Boys Band” (Ryan and Tyler Rolig) Lower Class Citizens took the stage for an ass-kicking good time the likes of which the town of Berlin has not seen in a while. In true rock n roll fashion Ryan Got the mo flowing by stepping on the front dinner table sending drinks flying. The crowd got into the Spirit too. Ryan mentioned that everyone was there to support a great man and raise money, with that several of the smitten lady folk in the crowd took it upon them selves to stuff “donations” into Ryan’ pants in ways that would make the RNC’s Michael Steele Scramble for talking points.
Seriously, could there be a nicer, more talented family ever? The extended network of people gather again on Wednesday at Seacrets to support this gracious family. It will be an evening for the record books with what is being called the greatest local line up ever – Lower Case Blues, Bryan Russo, The Electric Company, Kaleb Brown, The Cheaters, Lower Class Citizens, and Rock Bottom will all be playing. I Have a sneaky suspicion That there will not be a lot that gets done around town on Thursday
A couple high lights from Sat